Stories help us connect to the world around us – and to each other. Tampa has an amazing story to share.
Dear Readers,
Stories help us connect to the world around us – and to each other. Tampa has an amazing story to share.
With an incredible history that differentiates us from other Florida cities, Tampa today embraces its growth, welcoming anyone who shares a passion for this community.
Tampa’s charm and its incomparable lifestyle are what drew our investors, and me here. Tampa’s unique stories helped to inspire the vision for Water Street Tampa and continue to inform the design of the neighborhood.
Great stories are meant to be shared, to be retold with enthusiasm or sentiment. Together, we want to share some of the memorable stories and personalities that make Tampa the city it is today – and who will help shape it in the future. There are new things to talk about – new things to be excited about. It’s an incredible time to be a part of this community, and we want to share our excitement with the world.
There are so many personalities and entities doing important things in the city, and it is our hope to share as many of them as we can. Always evolving, we are reaching out to Tampa’s movers and shakers, disruptors, and innovators to share their personal stories and impressions of Tampa.
Water Street Tampa provides an opportunity to create a bolder narrative for our city – and to share Tampa’s story on a global scale. In other words, what makes Tampa special, through the eyes of Tampanians doing remarkable things.
We hope you enjoy reading different perspectives on what makes Tampa a wonderful place, and all the excitement that lies ahead.
James Nozar